<& /components/CampaignPage.mhtml, version=>'1', new=>'2012-03-04', updated=>'2012-03-04', license=>'CC-NC-SA', author=>'Richard Welty', owner=>'Krusty Motorsports, Limited', campaignName=>"South Mountain", battles=>@battles, websites=>@websites, references=>@references, books=>@books, id=>'south-mountain', introduction=>'

South Mountain is normally listed as one battle, but the fighting took place at two sites on the same day, some distance apart. They are addressed on two separate pages on this site.

', summary=>'

When Lee crossed the gaps of South Mountain, he left forces at Turner\'s Gap to the north, and Crampton\'s Gap to the south to screen his movements.

On September 14th, McClellan\'s forces reached the gaps. They succeeded in forcing Crampton\'s Gap (to the south) that day, but the fighting further north at Turner\'s and Fox\'s gap was suspended due to darkness. The Union forces would probably have broken through when fighting resumed, but Lee chose to withdraw his forces that night.

', &> <%init> my @battles = [ { url=>'/US/MD/SouthMountain/TurnersGap.html', text=>'Turner\'s Gap'}, { url=>'/US/MD/SouthMountain/CramptonsGap.html', text=>'Crampton\'s Gap'}, ]; my @websites = [ { url=>'http://www.nps.gov/ancm/', text=>'Antietam National Battlefield (National Park Service)' }, { url=>'http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maryland_Campaign', text=>'Wikipedia',} ]; my @references = [ {publication=>'LandscapeTurnedRed'}, {publication=>'TakenAtTheFlood'}, ]; my @books = [ 'Antietam', 'South Mountain', 'Harpers Ferry', 'George McClellan' ];